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  • https://italentos.win/wiki/Uric_Acid_In_Blood_Causes_And_Troubles
Did you know that high uric acid levels in blood cause excruciating gout which can eventually produce damaged joints and kidneys? And did you realize that high acid levels in blood could be reduced and controlled without using drugs? Well, here you'll learn what causes high uric acid in the blood, how it causes gout, what the ramifications of recurring gout may be, and, how to treat it without expensive drugs with all their nasty side effects.

What Is Uric Acid and How Does It Cause Gout?

Uric acid occurs quite naturally in your blood and urine. It is really a byproduct of a reaction in your body that supplies your energy and protein needs. The key elements in this process are chemical compounds called "purines" which may also be an all natural part of one's make-up, but crucially, also can be found in our foods.

Within the method described above, these purines eventually breakdown and acid is stated in your bloodstream as a result. Your kidneys then process and expel excess uric acid from your system by way of your urine.

Now, as long as your kidneys work efficiently, and, not an excessive amount of uric acid will be produced for your kidneys to handle, then'normal'acid levels, that don't generally cause any problems, circulate in your blood.

However, if either among the two scenarios above isn't met, then you will have an excess of acid circulating in your blood. The effect is that uric acid in the proper execution of crystals could be accumulated in and around your joints, causing the agonies of gout. Independent of the pain, one other symptoms are redness, swelling and inflammation.

What Are The Long Term Effects Of High Uric Acid Levels In Blood?

The first thing to keep yourself updated of is that frequent episodes of gout over extended periods can result in permanently damaged joints. They are able to also lead to agonizing kidney stones and, in severe cases, kidney damage.

The next thing is that once you've had one attack, you are extremely likely to have others, unless you certainly can do something to avoid their return (see bottom of page).

What Are The Usual Treatments For High Uric Acid Levels And Gout?

They're invariably prescribed drugs of the kind such as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), colchicines and corticosteroids to address the apparent symptoms of a gout attack. And the usage of uric acid-reducing drugs such as for instance probenecid and allopurinol, which are utilized over extended periods.

Are These Drug-Based Treatments Effective?

Absolutely. The drugs for attacking the outward symptoms can work in just a week, and, the acid-reducing drugs gradually lower uric acid over time.

However, the anti-inflammatory drugs have no effect whatever on your own high acid levels; they only address the inflammation and pain. You normally just take these before the symptoms have gone.

And the drugs to cut back acid levels are prescribed for the future, because, although they reduce your uric acid levels, they can't address the basis reason for your high levels. So that whenever you come off them there's nothing to stop your levels rising again. Unless, needless to say, you know how to address the underlying causes (see below).

Are There Any Side Effects?

As with most drugs, unfortunately yes. With your, the most typical are; nausea, vomiting, headaches, stomach cramps, bleeding, and, stomach ulcers.

And this -- with their cost probably -- is why so many folks are now actually using totally natural remedies to ease their symptoms, and, prevent further attacks with their prospect of permanent damage...

Natural Home Remedies For High Uric Acid Levels and Gout

It perhaps goes without saying that there are very many natural remedies available. Here are just a few of the most important:-

Diet - Avoid high purine foods like fatty red meat, offal, poultry, shellfish, dried peas, legumes, and yeast.

Alcohol - Avoid alcohol, especially beer due to the yeast content.

Fruits - Eat things like cherries, strawberries and blueberries due to their natural anti-inflammatory properties.

Vegetables - Eat green-leafy vegetables, particularly celery, for his or her uric acid-fighting properties.

Herbs - Things such as alfalfa and burdoch might help neutralize uric acid.

Water - Drink 12 x 8oz glasses of water daily to simply help flush excess uric acid out of your system.

Why You Have to Do More Than Just Address The Symptoms of Gout

Your objective must certanly be to both eliminate your overall pain and apparent symptoms of gout, and, at the same time, work with preventing it returning time and again. You will need to investigate an entire raft of things including which natural remedies work best for you. Axit Uric can be a lot of work but surely worth it in the long run, if it prevents recurring gout and possible permanent damage.

Axit Uric in luck though. There is a uric acid gout report already available online that 1000s of ex-gout victims worldwide have successfully used to stop their gout returning. In addition it has a special 2 hour gout pain alleviation program.

And it uses fully-researched, totally natural methods. So that you benefit in two ways: (1) you eliminate your excruciating pain quickly, and, (2) you prevent your gout returning, so you reduce the danger of permanent damage.




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