Clerical - Administrative Jobs - Claims Executive

Published on July 3, 2023
Published by agentqq
Viewed by 310 people

Description of item

We are hiring a Claims Executive due to growth & expansion of our Corporate Client Division. Mandatory requirement is 2 to 3 years of General Insurance (non-Health and non-Life) Claims handling experience in the UAE.
Good communication skills and customer friendly attitude is a must. Knowledge of General Insurance policies like PAR/BI, PL, WC, Marine, FG, Money, etc. is essential.
Ideal candidate will be someone who is in a similar role in the UAE Insurance Industry, has knowledge of the Insurance Claims processes in the UAE and can join within a month if selected.
Salary range is around AED6K to 6.5K pm.
Job will be based in our main office in Deira, Dubai. Good growth and learning assured.
We are an equal opportunity & forward thinking employer & our working week is from Monday to Friday. Pls. fwd. your CV only if you meet the requirements


United Arab Emirates
-All UAE
-All UAE

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